
Resource Guide

6-12 Tech Resource Guide



Free Webinars

BEMS has a license.


Self-paced online PD (Earn contact hours!)

BEMS & BEHS share a license.


Tutorial Youtube video from 2021

BEMS & BEHS share a license.


IXL Teacher Resources

BEMS has a license.

Kuta Math

How to Create an Assignment

BEMS has a license.

Instructional Technology Hardware

Lego Spike

Grades 6-8; Maine DOE Computer Science Cart (Lesson Plans from Lego)


Grades 6-8; Maine DOE Computer Science Cart (Google Classroom)


Grades 9-12; Maine DOE Computer Science Cart (Google Classroom)

3D Printers & Pens

Please reach out to us if you are interested in using either with your students.

Apple Specific Hardware

iPad Support

Google Classroom

Macbook Model

Model # A2337 (Amazon)

Macbook Accessories

USB C Bricks & Cables, etc. (Amazon List)

iPad Accessories

for iPads issued in Febrary 2021 (Amazon List)

Promethean Board

This app enables the user to screenshare from their iPad.

This app is for wirelessly sharing from your laptop.

This app provide additional functionality if you opt to plug your Mac into your Promethean via a USB C cable.

Executive Functioning


Student Progress Tracker

Google Docs MSAD #6 Template Gallery

Brain Dump


Get Ready Do Done

PNG Image File

Surveys & Questionnaires

adapted from 360 Thinking Cognitive Connections, LLP and only open to MSAD 6 accounts

Adapted from 360 Thinking Cognitive Connections, LLP and only open to MSAD 6 accounts